Autism. Cleft Palate. Developmental Delay. Down Syndrome. Deaf. These words are merely characteristics of a person. No different than someone who wears glasses or has braces. Through this blog, we will identify ways to encourage communication with kids regardless of their diagnosis. To see each other as people first. To love and respect others because of our differences. Together, we will learn and develop skills to make us better communication partners within our home, school, and community.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Let's begin now.

Welcome to the world, little one! Whether it is our own child or another significant person's new baby, we cheer and welcome new babies into the world with open arms. We dream of what they will look like, when will they have their first smile, first laugh...first word. But communication begins even before that first word. Communication begins with interactions early on between a baby and parent/guardian. The gentle touch of a Mom and/or Dad,  eye contact between baby and parent, facial expressions/smiling, cooing, babbling, singing to your baby. All of these are ways to develop the feeling of trust, safety and bonding with your child. 

Here are some ideas to encourage bonding/communication with your infant:

1. Spend some face-to-face time with your baby. Talking sweetly to him/her.  Making different facial expressions and smiling. You will find that as your baby grows they will start making similar facial expressions.

2. Sing to your baby. Lullabies, nursery rhymes, etc. Not only is it great for babies to hear a soft, soothing, and safe voice, it begins to teach vocabulary to children that can be expanded upon as they grow and learn.

3.  Read to your baby. There is nothing better than snuggling in with a sweet little one and reading a book. Not always reading each page word for word, but just describing pictures, labeling objects in pictures, stating action words that they may see. Again, it is all great for building core vocabulary as they continue to grow and learn.

4. Infant Massage. Spending time gently rubbing lotion or oil on their little bodies. Singing and labeling body parts as you go.

A great book resource is called I Love You Rituals By Becky Bailey.

Have fun bonding with your baby!!

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